
So fiN, this indie/rock band have created a debut album that is definitely one to look out for.
Their album 'Life Is Wasted On the Living' is a collection of all the singles into one album with 5 new tracks and 2 acoustic versions of their best known songs. One of the newer songs called "The Truth Lies in Honesty" is one of their best, its catchy, simple, yet one that you could hum along to for hours. As soon as those drums come in, its an instant head bopper. Its also a song I believe could easily be in the top 40 if these guys were more well known.
Another new track 'Where Are You Now' is a beautiful track that puts all the mayhem and rock to the side and gets everyone to sit down and listen to how talented these guys really are. Its the same with '5am', although this track has a darker meaning to it than the other songs. Luke's rough edge to his voice gives the song a real unpolished grit to it which makes it so powerful!
The one criticism I have about the album is that all the singles they've released previously are in this album. Personally I bought all the singles on vinyl and I was a little disappointed that there weren't as many new songs as I would've hoped for. None the less the new songs are brilliant.
Top Three Tracks:
3. "The Artisan", first off, its a fully instrumental track. No lyrics, just pure unadulterated brilliance. The song slowly builds up during the course of it adding parts in one by one. Starting off with the side sticking from Simon on the drums, to piano, bass, guitar, backing vocals, percussion, you name it! They even did an acoustic version for the album which I was very happy about and its just as good as the original. One of the best instrumental tracks I've heard from a 4 piece band.
2. "Life Is Wasted On the Living", one of the best openings to a song. Enough said. 8 seconds of build up and BOOM there's your song. Having it cranked up sounds like an explosion coming in. Its exactly what everyone wants is to be hit with. The lyrics are very clever and true to many life stories. "Life is wasted on the living, life is wasted on the fools that walk away", I'm sure everyone reading this has a story from those lyrics. After the first listen I thought 'let me listen to that again', it therefore earns my 2nd spot.
1. "Twenty Three" The top dog song at number 1. I was introduced to fiN with this song and boy was I sold from the moment it started. Its a good ol' indie/rock song with everything you want to have a good head bang, dance, whatever floats your boat! Cracking guitar licks again with the band trying to say "Hey! You! We're fiN, come rock out with us". That's exactly what it does with an ending that leaves you squinting your eyes with the torture of the guitar tone. Wanting more. Epic.
I have put some photos on this blog from the gig in Camden as a perspective of the emotion and performance they put into there gigs! Including one with Luke standing on the PA system which was a cracking shot.
Please go check out their album 'Life Is Wasted On the Living' on Spotify, Itunes and Youtube. Let me know what you thought of them. Until next time, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it!
Lewis :)
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated since this is my first blog and I want to try make this the best it can be. Thanks!
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