Welcome to blog post number 16! Today I will be sharing with you something a little different to what I normally post about. I like to change things up a bit every now and again and so I thought a book review (still music related) would be great to tell you all about.
The book I am talking about today is the biography of Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis. He goes through his life as a child, teenager and musician. His journey is one that I think he lucky to still live, but his events make it one of the best biographies ive read to date.

I have read this book twice and the life events still shock me as to what he has done. A lot of this book does come across drugs and women, but you'd expect that with Anthony in his younger years. I don't want to give too muvh away, but if you like the Red Hot Chili Peppers then you'll love this book. Its also showing the key events that happened to the band in the time they've been together such as Hillel Slovaks death, John leaving the band and coming back and how they managed to bounce back from nearly falling apart as a band. All those events from how Anthony saw them and portrayed it in his mind.
One thing that does get a little repetitive is the drug usage and rehabilitations that Anthony goes through. A lot of it is what he used during this tour and what he could deal for this tour. He'd get too drugged up to perform or write songs, so he gets help, gets off the drugs and then goes onto them again. Although this is his life and its quite harrowing to think the amount of times he put his body through all that, for the reader it does get a little repetitive.
Reading this book you keep thinking to yourself "how are you still alive?", one example of this was when him and flea were younger (spolier alert), they loved jumping off roofs into pools and one day Anthony decided to go to the next level and go higher to 6 stories high. Jumped off, misjudged the landing and landed on bare concrete breaking his back and yet is still performing today as if he hadn't nearly snapped his back in two. Incredible.
A lot of the stories are like this, you keep thinking "if this was anyone else, they would be dead". So the life events keep the book going and there really isn't a dull moment. Again this is mostly for Chili fans as there are sections about the writing process with An thing going in to detail about why he wrote that particular song etc.
If you haven't read this book yet and have been on the fence, its a brilliant read and with summer knocking on our door its definitely a great read on holiday too.
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Thank you and until next time.
Amazon book link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Scar-Tissue-Anthony-Kiedis/dp/0751535664/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403173213&sr=8-1&keywords=scar+tissue
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