Sunday, 21 December 2014

EP Review ~ Friar's Lantern ~ The Moments That Define Us: Part 1

Welcome to this weeks EP review, today I have a band who have featured on this blog twice already! They're popular with Love Life, Love Music! They're called Friar's Lantern and they have recently released an EP to follow up from the hype they've received from previous releases. Each release has been reviewed on my blog and a link to those will be at the bottom of this review. 

Friar's Lantern are a electronic ambient duo from Brighton, UK. They have really stepped up their game from their first single release. This EP is one for headphones to really let your ears listen to everything that's going on in the music. The introduction really gives the listener a feel for what is to come. A driving and heavy electronic drum beat accompanied by some quite enthralling bass. 

Friar's Lantern's persona in their music is stamped by the way they use quotes from films as part of the music. A cinematographic outlook on their music is the way to approach this one of a kind style that isn't being done anywhere else. Each quote they use has a very interesting meaning behind it. My favourite quote out of all of them is in the last song "Telos" and the quote is "Music is more than a matter of playing the right notes".   

For the interlude in the EP, they have taken parts from the track before called "Voices". I really like the way they've done this, it takes you back to the track before and makes you remember what was played. They made it sound slightly 'Doctor Who' like within the track that is very atmospheric. 

My personal favourite is the final track on the EP, "Telos". It really displays what Friar's Lantern are capable of and Hayden's guitar skills are demonstrated throughout this song. From simple delicate tones to using pedals to make it sound harsh and brash for what the song needs. Though the song does end quite suddenly, which was a bit of a shock considering it keeps building towards then end, its definitely the stand-out track on the EP. 

I really enjoyed this EP and I'd like you all to go check it out and see what you think of it yourself. Friar's Lantern's music is nothing I've heard out there and certainly has made a long lasting impression on me. I look forward to Part 2 of their EP coming in 2015 and you can be sure there will be a review of it too. 

Thank you very much for reading and until next time. 


Listen to the EP - here


Possessive Voices





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